Don’t Be A Worry Wort

Are You A Worry Wart?

We’ve all heard it before and I know it to be true.  It is important to be aware of your focus.  Where are you putting your attention?  Are you focused on what you want – or are you focused on what you are afraid of?  Is your focus on the problem or is it on the solution?

I am, by nature, a worrier.  As early as fourth grade, my best friend christened me a “worry wart”.  Worriers are problem-focused. If you are a worrier, then you are also problem-focused.  Worrying is not helpful or useful.  It is counter productive.

Try being solution-focused.

It is profoundly more useful.  When you are solution-focused, your stress levels go down.  By focusing on finding a good solution, you are sending the message to your brain that there is a solution and therefore, you are far more likely to come up with one.

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