I’m Back!

It’s been a long while since I last posted here.  I was posting regularly until there was an unfortunate mishap. One night I was sipping a glass of wine while working late at my computer.  I started to feel very sleepy and retreated to my bed, leaving a half empty glass of wine sitting next to my computer.  Suddenly, I was awakened by the sound of the craft paper, previously taped to the window by the painter, coming loose and crashing to the floor.  My first thought was, “oh, that’s just the brown paper falling off the window”.  My second thought was, “Oh now- did it knock over the glass of wine??”


I jumped up and ran to my work table.  Sure enough, the wine had spilled on the screen and the keyboard.  Yikes!  I started to wipe up the liquid as quickly as possible.  I wrapped the screen and the keyboard with paper towels and went back to bed hoping that I would wake up and the computer would be working.

No such luck.  It was toast.  I drove around with it in my hot car for a week, checking it every once in awhile to see if the heat would miraculously dry out the innards and bring it back to life.  Eventually I ordered a new computer to be delivered to me.  It took me awhile to get the new computer work ready.  By this time, I had lost momentum and did not return to blogging until this weekend.

Getting My Groove Back

I am attending a 3-day marketing bootcamp.  More specifically, I am attending Craig Duswalt’s Rockstar Marketing Bootcamp.  This is the third time I am attending this because Craig is a lot of fun and I generally like the sort of people he attracts.

Yesterday, one of the topics was blogging and I was reminded that this blog was sitting here, forgotten and abandoned.  I decided to revisit it and challenge myself to blog daily for 10 days – no matter what.  Actually, 10 days seems a bit week.  Let’s make it a real challenge by saying a month.  Yes, I am going to blog here every day for one month straight, no matter what it takes.

The big lesson here is:  Never go to sleep without first finishing your glass of wine!

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