New Years Resolutions

Do you do the New Years Resolutions thing?

I usually just write down my goals for the incoming year and, on a separate list, write down my accomplishments from the past year.  This year I am making a third list of things I will do to support the attainment of my goals.  This will be my list of 2019 resolutions.


  1. Dance every day for 20 minutes.
  2. Blog at least twice a week.
  3. Meditate daily.
  4. Limit sweets to one per day.
  5. Laugh more.
  6. Spend at least 3 hours per day building passive income systems.
  7. Don’t focus on problems – focus on solutions!

One thing I notice right off the bat, is that my resolutions are more focused on quality of life stuff.  As an entrepreneur running several business, this is the stuff that gets left by the wayside.  I used to think New Year’s Resolutions were kind of silly because people seem to make them and forget them right away.  This list will be printed, framed and hung on the wall of my office so that it is not easily dismissed.

Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?  How successful are you at sticking to them?  Are they the same, or similar from year to year?  Are they more about hitting certain goals, or are they about day to day living?

Happy New Year !!!

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