The Entrepreneurship Rollercoaster

Hi!  I’m Susie Fabrocini and I am a Serial Entrepreneur.

Or, as my ex-husband used to say, “the Career-Of-The-Month Club”.

This blog is about entrepreneurship.

Over the years I have learned a few things and I’m still learning things.  Learning by doing.  Falling down and getting up.

I think that’s how most entrepreneurs do it – learning by making mistakes. And we are usually flying solo. Working out of our home office – AKA – the corner of our apartment.  No water cooler gatherings – although we may have numerous heart-to-heart conferences with our four-legged companions.

(Shared work spaces, like WeWork, are becoming increasingly popular.  I haven’t tried it yet because my financial services business required lots of private meetings so I was renting an outside office for that. Something to look into for the future?)

Wouldn’t it be great if we could share our experiences? Thus, cutting the learning curve by learning from each other’s mistakes – and from each other’s successes. This my intention in building this site.

Please join me in creating a community of entrepreneurs who share experiences and resources and lift each other up and move each other forward.

I have always been one to learn by doing. That comes from being raised by a do-it-yourself kind of mother. She was amazingly self-reliant.
I’m building this website myself, and I’m not young technical savant so there will be a lot of changes to the site as I figure out what I’m doing and what is possible.
For more about me, who I am and where I come from, go HERE.

Why Now

I’m starting a new business right now. My original intention was to keep a handwritten journal and then write a book someday, recounting the process in order to help others who may want to do something similar. When I was younger, I wanted to make films. Not having attended film school, I read books on film making instead. One particular book made all the difference for me. It was Robert Rodriguez’ book, “Rebel Without A Crew”, in which he recounted his experiences in making his first film. His book was a inspirational and encouraging to me because it went beyond giving facts and information. It was also full of stories and emotion. (For a list of other film making books I found helpful go HERE.) I ended up making 4 or 5 short, low budget films.  Even received a couple of grants and awards!

Now, with the wonderful world of internet blogging, there is no really good reason to wait until my business is up and running and successful before telling the story.

Especially, if by sharing, I can help someone else or someone else can see what I’m doing and offer advice that would be helpful to me!

The business I am starting now is a real estate investment business, but a lot of the decision-making processes I go through will apply to many other businesses as well.

And by the way,  you are never too old to start a business.  Here is a photograph of me and my 2 daughters, taken 3 years ago.

Me & My Gals
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