Are You Holding Yourself Back?

You know that saying, “dress for the job that you want to have not for the job that you have”?

 There’s some truth to that and it’s not even so much about how you present yourself to the world, it’s also about how you’re presenting yourself to yourself.

That’s why it’s important, to take a look at what our self-beliefs are. What do we really, deep inside, believe that we’re capable of? And are our beliefs the thing that’s keeping us from moving forward? Have we kind of settled into the space that we’re in and told ourselves that this is fine, this is good, this is where we’re meant to be; when, really, we want to move forward?

 I think we need to look at that. You know the saying, “fake it till you make it?” I think that’s what you need to do for your inner life. Think to yourself, “what would it feel like to be that person who makes the kind of money that I want to be making?” What is that success vision that you have for yourself? Will you feel differently? How will you feel differently? Can you step into that? Make it like an acting exercise where you step into the character, and I don’t mean like being a fake person. But I just mean being the version of yourself that has the success that you want to have. Just push yourself forward in time a little bit. I think that’s what we have to do.

So I think maybe it’s changing the headspace first. Being bolder. Saying “I can do this!” Taking it on fearlessly. Step into it. Be the change!

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