Business people working around table in office

Buy A Business

Just Do It!

I have been listening to Alex Hormozi podcasts on my drive to and from the park everyday where my dog can run off-leash after 4pm – he loves that!

Alex has a very practical way of looking at success. It has nothing to do with mindset. What???

It is practical, logical and pure physics. Do the work, reap the rewards. (not a quote) It doesn’t matter how you think about it or feel about it. If you do the stuff; if you take the steps, you will be successful. Pretty much in line with Nike’s “Just Do It”.

It comes down to math and physics.

I can spend too much time thinking about doing stuff and learning how to do stuff and not enough time actually doing stuff. This changes today.

Focus on the steps. What are the steps I need to take? Make a list and then just start doing them.

Do the Stuff → Success.

The Importance Of Financial Literacy

Understanding how money works is important for everyone, but it is particularly important for women entrepreneurs for several reasons.

First, women have historically faced systemic barriers to accessing financial resources, such as limited access to funding, lower credit scores, and discriminatory lending practices. Understanding how money works can help women entrepreneurs navigate these challenges, build strong credit histories, and access the capital they need to grow their businesses.

Second, women entrepreneurs are often underrepresented in business and financial leadership roles, which can result in a lack of mentorship and guidance. By understanding how money works, women entrepreneurs can take control of their finances, make informed decisions, and advocate for themselves in financial negotiations.

Third, financial literacy is a critical component of business success. Understanding financial statements, budgeting, and cash flow management is essential for making strategic decisions, attracting investors, and growing a profitable business. Women entrepreneurs who understand how money works are better equipped to navigate the financial complexities of running a business and can set themselves up for long-term success.

Finally, understanding how money works can also help women entrepreneurs achieve financial independence and security, which can have a positive impact on their personal and professional lives. By managing their finances effectively, women entrepreneurs can create more opportunities for themselves and their families and build a strong financial foundation for the future.

Are You Holding Yourself Back?

You know that saying, “dress for the job that you want to have not for the job that you have”?

 There’s some truth to that and it’s not even so much about how you present yourself to the world, it’s also about how you’re presenting yourself to yourself.

That’s why it’s important, to take a look at what our self-beliefs are. What do we really, deep inside, believe that we’re capable of? And are our beliefs the thing that’s keeping us from moving forward? Have we kind of settled into the space that we’re in and told ourselves that this is fine, this is good, this is where we’re meant to be; when, really, we want to move forward?

 I think we need to look at that. You know the saying, “fake it till you make it?” I think that’s what you need to do for your inner life. Think to yourself, “what would it feel like to be that person who makes the kind of money that I want to be making?” What is that success vision that you have for yourself? Will you feel differently? How will you feel differently? Can you step into that? Make it like an acting exercise where you step into the character, and I don’t mean like being a fake person. But I just mean being the version of yourself that has the success that you want to have. Just push yourself forward in time a little bit. I think that’s what we have to do.

So I think maybe it’s changing the headspace first. Being bolder. Saying “I can do this!” Taking it on fearlessly. Step into it. Be the change!

Capital Gains Tax 2022

Capital Gains are the profits you earn when you sell an investment.

Short term capital gains are when you held the investment for less than a year before selling.

Long term capital gains are from selling investments that you held for longer than a year.

Short term gains are taxed at your regular income tax rate while long term gains are taxed at a lower rate.

2022 Long-Term Capital Gains Tax Rates

Tax filing status0% rate15% rate20% rate
SingleTaxable income of up to $41,675$41,676 to $459,750Over $459,750
Married filing jointlyTaxable income of up to $83,350$83,351 to $517,200Over $517,200
Married filing separatelyTaxable income of up to $41,675$41,676 to $459,750Over $459,750
Head of householdTaxable income of up to $55,800$55,801 to $488,500Over $488,500

Why Did I Buy a VeeFriends NFT?

Why did I buy a VeeFriends NFT?

The first, and main, reason is because I am a learn-by-doing person. I wanted to understand block chain, smart contracts, and NFTs better and this loked like a golden opportunity for me to do this.

I believe that electronic/digital/automated smart contracts are where we are headed and it will happen faster than you might imagine. I think NFT tokens will be like the visual file folder label for accessing those contracts.

The NFT token I bought is a drawing of the Happy Hermit Crab. When I click on it, a file opens up that shows when I bought it, what I paid for it, and identifies me as a string of numbers tied to my digital wallet which I used when I paid for it in ETH. It also shows that I have admission to the 2022, 2023, and 2024 Vee Conferences to be hosted by Gary Vaynerchuk.

I am fairly certain that in the future it will also show whether or not I attended those conferences. If I decide to sell this token to someone else, that transaction will also be recorded in the file along with a string of numbers that indentifies the new owner, when they purchased it and how much they paid for it.

NFTs will be key players in the legal system.

Everything will be swiftly and automatically recorded without needing a notary to stamp it and without someone having to note everything down.

Artists will use NFTs to license their work. NFTs could be automated to withdraw access at the end of the term or present an option to renew. Any kind of lease could be automated to end access at the end of the leasing term in the absence of continuous payments.

There will be a huge demand for people who can create NFTs. Notaries should probably start now to learn this stuff.

Bought My First NFT!

Bought my first NFT (Non-Fungible Token) yesterday.

Happy Hermit Crab

Part of the VeeFriends Collection by Gary Vaynerchuk.

I bought it during a Dutch Auction, which is where there is a stated starting price which is high (the ceiling price) and the price gradually lowers until it hits the floor price.

This NFT is a token on the Etherium block chain. It has my identifying number embedded in it. There is a token ID # and the owner ID#.

It is also a contract in that it guarantees me admission to the next 3 VeeCons in 2022, 2023, and 2024.

This token is also a collectible which I can sell, along with the contracted VeeCon admission, if I want to.

You can see my token at

The auction items were all priced in ETH. I paid .8128888888889 ETH for my token. I had to buy an ETH in advance of the auction in order to pay for my auction item. There was also a cost of doing business. The transaction fees are referred to as gas. The gas for this transaction cost 0.1 ETH.

With all the talk about taxing cryptocurrency transactions, I wonder if the IRS would see this as a taxable event or how they would value my token.

I am learning by doing. This is all so interesting to me!

Insurance For Investment Properties

Finding property insurance for a fix and flip property is proving to be very challenging.  Most agents do not want to deal with it because the policies do not last a full year.  Some agencies charge for the full year regardless of how long you need it.

One agent quoted me $827/yr.  That was  with $197,000 on the house and $300,000 liability insurance.

Someone else told me $116/mo. That was $110,000 on the house and $1million liability.

I will make more calls tomorrow and get more quotes.  I dont think we need to get $1mil in liability.


Found a company that does property insurance for real estate investors: National Real Estate Insurance Group. They gave the best quote and they are nationwide. Fix and flips are no problem.

Child crouched on floor with jar of coins

Flipping Out

Currently in escrow on a house in Indianapolis with a partner. Looking to fix and flip. I don’t expect to see a lot of profit from this one but wanted to keep busy. Didn’t do any deals in 2020 and feeling rusty. Asking price on the house is $68,000. ARV should be around $120,000.

I am currently cash poor, but a realtor I’ve been communicating with in Indianapolis sent me the info on a listing that had just come to her and she wasn’t putting it on the market. I hadn’t been planning to do a flip – looking for apartment buildings, but it looked like a good deal and they are hard to come by these days.

Child crouched on floor with jar of coins

I didn’t have downpayment money – or at least not enough that I could spare, and lenders like to see that you have money in the bank for 6 months to a year of loan payments, so I called on someone who has flipping experience, money in the bank, and can foot the downpayment and other acquisition costs. I asked him if he’d like to partner with me on this project and he agreed.

We are getting a hard money loan to purchase the property and cover the rehab costs. I created an LLC so we are equal partners. He is okay with me owning a larger percentage but I wouldn’t be doing this deal on my own so I choose to go 50/50.

We had the inspection done yesterday. The report is over 100 pages long. It is going to 3 contractors today who will then walk the property and give us their bids based on the inspection report combined with their own observations during the walk thru.

When we get the bids back, we will check the numbers and see if the deal still makes sense or if we need to renegotiate.

Meantime, I am looking for quotes from insurance agents in Indiana to cover the property and liability insurance once we close and take ownership of the property.

 BTW – the reason for this post is to show you that you can buy real estate without putting any of your own money in – but you do need to bring something else to the table. Also, if you have money but no time, you can invest in real estate by partnering with someone who has time but no money. Obviously there is more to it in the details but this is the basic premise that I wanted to demonstrate.

Hard Choices and Challenges

Would you rather make a million dollars from one person or one dollar from a million people? Go deep or go wide? Most people would probably rather make a million dollars from one person. Seems like the smarter way to go, right? Certainly seems easier. On the other hand, if you can touch a million lives – how cool would that be? I have never been one to choose the easy way. The challenge is part of the appeal. If someone were to say to me, “we can do it the easy way… or we can do it the hard way”, the crazy in me would be very likely to say, “well, we know we can do it the easy way, let’s see if we can do it the hard way!” I know I’m not the only crazy one because I see people choosing to do hard things all the time. Entrepreneurs, activists, leaders, choosing not to go with the flow but instead, to turn the tide. Taking on the challenges. Entepreneurs take on challenges everyday. Your whole life is a challenge. People for whom making a difference precedes making a dollar. I see you people and I’m inspired by your awesomeness.