Just Do It!

I have been listening to Alex Hormozi podcasts on my drive to and from the park everyday where my dog can run off-leash after 4pm – he loves that!

Alex has a very practical way of looking at success. It has nothing to do with mindset. What???

It is practical, logical and pure physics. Do the work, reap the rewards. (not a quote) It doesn’t matter how you think about it or feel about it. If you do the stuff; if you take the steps, you will be successful. Pretty much in line with Nike’s “Just Do It”.

It comes down to math and physics.

I can spend too much time thinking about doing stuff and learning how to do stuff and not enough time actually doing stuff. This changes today.

Focus on the steps. What are the steps I need to take? Make a list and then just start doing them.

Do the Stuff → Success.

The Importance Of Financial Literacy

Understanding how money works is important for everyone, but it is particularly important for women entrepreneurs for several reasons.

First, women have historically faced systemic barriers to accessing financial resources, such as limited access to funding, lower credit scores, and discriminatory lending practices. Understanding how money works can help women entrepreneurs navigate these challenges, build strong credit histories, and access the capital they need to grow their businesses.

Second, women entrepreneurs are often underrepresented in business and financial leadership roles, which can result in a lack of mentorship and guidance. By understanding how money works, women entrepreneurs can take control of their finances, make informed decisions, and advocate for themselves in financial negotiations.

Third, financial literacy is a critical component of business success. Understanding financial statements, budgeting, and cash flow management is essential for making strategic decisions, attracting investors, and growing a profitable business. Women entrepreneurs who understand how money works are better equipped to navigate the financial complexities of running a business and can set themselves up for long-term success.

Finally, understanding how money works can also help women entrepreneurs achieve financial independence and security, which can have a positive impact on their personal and professional lives. By managing their finances effectively, women entrepreneurs can create more opportunities for themselves and their families and build a strong financial foundation for the future.